Thank YOU to ALL 500 Followers on Facebook!

Honestly, I don’t know how this happened but it’s a numerical milestone I’ve reached today, May 30, 2016. I know some of the followers thought this is some sort of dating thing when they liked my Facebook page. Hopefully they’ve had better luck than me with finding their life partner or temporary partner.

Here’s a awesome fireworks video I recorded recently to celebrate this milestone.

When I started this at the end of 2013, it was about sharing my experiences as a solo, single traveller. There have been countless stories, some I’ve shared, some I have not – a few were scary AF which I wish upon no other; all I could now laugh at when looking back. Continue reading

The Launch :- Spiritual Radiance Tours

Spiritual Radiance Tours logo - 3 circles symbolizing the Mind, body and spirit coming together and forming a connection. The 7 colors are Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and magenta; representing the 7 chakras of the human body.Today, the day after a new moon, a full solar eclipse and Spring equinox, please allow me to present my new business venture – Spiritual Radiance Tours.

It has been my intention for the past few years to share my joy of travel. Within this time, I wasn’t sure what was the best method, in addition to this blog. The experiences I have gained by combining spirituality and travel has been life changing to say the least for me.

My journeys have taken me to various corners of the world, however, it has also taken me to the deep and sometimes dark corners of my inner world. Aspects of myself that I have neglected or forgotten. Aspects of myself that needed resolution. Aspects that I needed to accept as a part of me.

I am nothing without my past. I live in the present and embrace the future.

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Book of the Month :- January 2015

Have you had a light bulb moment while reading a book?

Ever finish a book and want to tell all your friends about it?!

Well that’s me right now.

The Road Less Traveled - A New Psychology of Love Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth written by M Scott PeckActually, I had loads of light bulb moments while reading this book. The Road Less Traveled – A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth by M. Scott Peck, M.D. First published in 1978, it is considered a pioneer and a classic.

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Single Woman Travels 3.0

Dear Amazing Human Beings,

Thank you for your  Readership.

This blog started on the Tumblr platform in 2012 and then I joined WordPress when I took an 8-month journey to South America and Asia in 2013.

2014 was another fun, sad, exciting and sometimes scary year for me. I pushed myself in ways I didn’t think I could; mentally, physically and emotionally. I started the year by going from zero to 5 days per week of Ashtanga yoga and become certified as a Yoga instructor after a 250 hour course, over a span of 4 months. Then a 6-month journey showed me valuable life lessons in Europe and Middle East. Continue reading

Travel Thought Thursday :- Unexpected Discoveries

Unbeknownst to me, my life really took a turn for the better after my live-in boyfriend of 5-years walked out on our relationship. Until it ended, I did not know I was co-dependent. I did not know it was in an unhealthy relationship, that it was a ticking time-bomb.

That was 10 years ago. After hitting what I thought at that time as rock bottom, I met a series of strong, level-minded women and men who helped me to understand, to acknowledge, to shift and to evolve to the newer me – the current Karen.

Throughout all this, alongside the smattering of boyfriends and flings – was the travels I experienced. Some days, actually there are many days, I can say I felt more comfortable traveling solo, surrounded by strangers, in a strange land.

What an oddity – you must think. Continue reading

Spiritual Saturday :- Start Where You Are

At the end of each year, countless people around the world look back at the events and experiences they gained in the past 365 days. From there, they make an assessment or a comparison to what they had promised themselves the year prior. More often than not, a comparison to the accomplishments of those in their social circle are made.

The endless lists. New Year Resolutions. Life goals. Promises.

It begs the question – How constructive is this exercise??? Continue reading

Travel Thought Thursday :- Merry Christmas, 2014!!

Merry Christmas!!

Wishing you all a fun, safe and memorable holiday!

Thank you for joining me on my travels this year!

Deep Gratitude to the 500+ fellow bloggers who follow my blog.

I am humbled when I see more than 1970 people subscribe to my blog through email!

Seriously. I am very GRATEFUL!!

I hope in the near future, we will meet in person when you join my travel tours in person!

Travel Thought Thursday - 2014 Merry Christmas - Unique handmade plates sold as souvenirs at Lindos on Rhodes island, Greece

Unique handmade plates sold as souvenirs in the scenic town of Lindos on Rhodes island, Greece

Travel Tuesday :- Hotel Bookings, Forget about it!

The Day I showed up at a hotel without a booking was Liberating. Who woulda thunk!

After visiting 46 countries in the world, meeting plenty of people who just stroll up to hotels and hostels without a booking… I am finally brave enough to follow their footsteps. I mean considering I only had a return flight for this current 6-month journey with no set itinerary and not know where I’ll be the next day… I sound like a late bloomer.

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Travel Thought Thursday :- Gratitude

HAPPY October! Hope your September was as intriguing and fun as mine!

Greetings from Black Sea region of Turkey!

Fall colours on Kackar mountains Ayder Turkey

Fall colours at Ayder, Turkey

I’m sure much has happened to you as have happened to me. I don’t know exactly where to begin but I promise to slowly disclose the happenings of September and how some of it connects to my past lives and past events of this current life.


Currently I’m in Ayder, Turkey. My eyes loves the view of the lush green mountains. My ears enjoy hearing the rush of falling waters. My nose and lungs relish in inhaling fresh crisp air. My tongue cherish the taste of local organic honey, hazelnuts and homemade pastries. My skin comes alive when I douse myself with cold water after soaking in 44C thermal waters.


Lastly, a great big thanks to all those who kept following my blog and liked my posts while I was on hiatus. I cannot believe how many more people have started following me during the month of September. I’m flattered and surprised. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Love you all. Be yourself. Safe travels.

September 2014 = Smattering of Posts Month

As mentioned in a previous post, I am taking a bit of hiatus from posting regularly.

The posts will be sporadic and a lot less in volume than in previous months.

What do I have planned or intend to do in September??

Today I will travel to Barcelona on a train from Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The past 3 days in Santiago de Compostela is a symbolic and very truncated version of my original intention to walk the Camino (St. Jame’s way). However, I believe it was still immensely helpful for me to clear some past life matters as I reconnected with the Earth energy there. I chose to use the word “matters” as I believe the word “issues” has a negative connotations that I do not want to associate with.

After honoring my love for amazing and unique architectural designs in Barcelona, I will fly to Hamburg in hope to meet someone in person for the first time. We had met online after I left Hamburg in July.

From Hamburg, I will return to Turkey and continue my pilgrimage to the Eastern front and make my way to the Black Sea region. I do not have much details to share further than this. This is the intention though.

I bid you adieu.

Be well. Travel safe. Take care of yourself.