Thank YOU to ALL 500 Followers on Facebook!

Honestly, I don’t know how this happened but it’s a numerical milestone I’ve reached today, May 30, 2016. I know some of the followers thought this is some sort of dating thing when they liked my Facebook page. Hopefully they’ve had better luck than me with finding their life partner or temporary partner.

Here’s a awesome fireworks video I recorded recently to celebrate this milestone.

When I started this at the end of 2013, it was about sharing my experiences as a solo, single traveller. There have been countless stories, some I’ve shared, some I have not – a few were scary AF which I wish upon no other; all I could now laugh at when looking back. Continue reading

Monologue: How to Grow Up

What I haven’t told anyone, including myself is that – I pushed and shoved myself to live in Germany. That’s why I didn’t do any research beforehand and just showed up with the wrong clothes and completely unprepared. I am fortunate that I have no dependents and have a bank account with money and willing to live cheaply so one less important thing that I don’t have to worry about.

My luggage consisted of typical clothes I would wear in Toronto during summer time, however, Continue reading

Leap into New Phase

After 9 months of hiatus, I will start posting again on this blog. Under a slightly different format. I will be a Rambling Traveller, sharing what has happened the last few months and current thoughts. A monologue of sorts.

Part Thoughts. Part Journal entry. Part Discoveries. Part Musings. Part Travel stuff. All about living life through conscious Experiences with awareness. Continue reading

Travel Thought Thursday :- Unexpected Discoveries

Unbeknownst to me, my life really took a turn for the better after my live-in boyfriend of 5-years walked out on our relationship. Until it ended, I did not know I was co-dependent. I did not know it was in an unhealthy relationship, that it was a ticking time-bomb.

That was 10 years ago. After hitting what I thought at that time as rock bottom, I met a series of strong, level-minded women and men who helped me to understand, to acknowledge, to shift and to evolve to the newer me – the current Karen.

Throughout all this, alongside the smattering of boyfriends and flings – was the travels I experienced. Some days, actually there are many days, I can say I felt more comfortable traveling solo, surrounded by strangers, in a strange land.

What an oddity – you must think. Continue reading

Spiritual Saturday :- Signs

What’s a sign? What’s in a sign?

To me many things are signs from the Universe. Road signs and proper signage are too literal. Though when I think I’m lost – wandering, seeking and at the exact moment when I look up and see a sign, an indication I am on track – that provides not only reassurance, it also provides a boost to my confidence, adding fuel to a waning storage of energy and perhaps confidence. A reminder that I’m on track, on the path.

The path in life may not necessarily be the shortest path between 2 points. It maybe extremely long – feel like I’m completely lost and off track at times. However, I have been told and sometimes reminded that there is no wrong path. I may perhaps learn more lessons on a longer and a more meandering path but I will gain what I need to gain.
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Spiritual Saturday :- Overcoming the Fear of Water Pt. 2

Over the past 10 years I’ve come to believe and realize that life moves in the form of a spiral. Sometime moving upward / forward. Sometimes moving downward / backward. Sometimes moving just sideways. It never stands still, even though it might seem that way.

The spiral may be tight and intense. The spiral may be easy and fluid. Life lessons pop up along the way and until I have comprehended the various aspects of that life lesson, it will keep surfacing in my life, through different interactions, through different experiences and different circumstances.

With my fear of water, it’s been a lifelong thing as mentioned in this post and this other post.

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Travel Thought Thursday :- Synchronicity in Crete

The week prior to my arrival in Crete, I checked daily on multiple hotel / hostel booking sites for accommodation. There was not a single place which met my current budget of 10 to 15€ per night with review ratings of 7.0 or above.

What to do!?! I have never arrived in a new location without reservations for the first night accommodation. I dread wandering from place to place with my luggage in tow, looking for a bed. Many travelers I know does this on a regular basis but I am not one of them.
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