Leap into New Phase

After 9 months of hiatus, I will start posting again on this blog. Under a slightly different format. I will be a Rambling Traveller, sharing what has happened the last few months and current thoughts. A monologue of sorts.

Part Thoughts. Part Journal entry. Part Discoveries. Part Musings. Part Travel stuff. All about living life through conscious Experiences with awareness. Continue reading

Travel Tuesday :- Quirky Travel Tips when in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, the land of mixed ideals and unimaginable contradictions. It has attracted tourists, travelers, expatriates and mainlanders for decades. In some ways, not much has changed but it has also changed in many countless ways.

There is a charm in Hong Kong that is not found anywhere else. Today, I will share with you some unique phenomenons found only in this little piece of land that is my birthplace.

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Travel Tuesday :- Trust

While on the road – alone – it can be challenging. Everyone is a stranger. And if your parents or guardians told you to not talk to stranger when you were a kid growing up and you want to keep following that adage – you’d be inadvertently on a silent retreat.

Sooner or later, you will HAVE to talk to a stranger… for directions, for help, to check into your new accommodation.

Then if you’re on a budget and staying in dorm rooms, there comes another level of interaction with strangers. No you’re not sharing a bed with them but you are paying to share a confined space with them. Your personal space is a little smaller. All your current personal belongings on display.

Personally I have never had the need to share a room with a complete stranger until I started my solo travels. Yes I was fortunate – I did not share a room with my brothers or cousins when we traveled. I tend to trust people by default – some times I trusted too much.

Some hostels, pensions or whatever they are called in your destination provide a locker for all or part of your belongings. Some do not.

Question: What happens when one of your roommate is intentionally waiting for the opportunity to steal from you? Continue reading

Spiritual Saturday :- Totem Animals

Ever cross path with an animal or an insect – unexpectedly?! So much so, they startle you and stops you in your tracks??

Be it a spider, ant, frog, dragonfly, chicken, bat, goats.

I don’t mean the animals you see when you go to a zoo or pet store. I mean the animals that you encounter while minding your own business. Like a butterfly that suddenly catches your attention while you are on your daily run. That neighbor’s pet turtle which never leaves their house but suddenly is walking across your path outside.

Well recently, it keeps occurring to me. Animals capture my attention in unexpected locations at unexpected time of day. I jot down the encounters and when I get on the interweb I google them and see what they symbolize as an animal totem. Often times, the meaning as provided are immediate reminders of emotions or thoughts I have been avoiding or unaware of or have not considered. Synchronicity is at play and the Universe makes it hard to ignore. Continue reading

Spiritual Saturday :- Overcoming the Fear of Water Pt. 2

Over the past 10 years I’ve come to believe and realize that life moves in the form of a spiral. Sometime moving upward / forward. Sometimes moving downward / backward. Sometimes moving just sideways. It never stands still, even though it might seem that way.

The spiral may be tight and intense. The spiral may be easy and fluid. Life lessons pop up along the way and until I have comprehended the various aspects of that life lesson, it will keep surfacing in my life, through different interactions, through different experiences and different circumstances.

With my fear of water, it’s been a lifelong thing as mentioned in this post and this other post.

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How Safe is it to Travel Solo?!!?

So you’re considering spending some time away from your daily routine. However, you are not sure if you are comfortable with the idea of traveling on your own – near or far… now you’re wondering how safe is it to see the world on your own?!

First of all, I’d like to congratulate you on making the decision to see the world – solo!

Regardless, whether you’re just going to another city in your country or a whole different country or continent. It takes courage to travel solo – I am constantly reminded of this aspect by my friends and random strangers. Honestly, I did not know it takes courage or bravery, its almost second nature to me to spend time on my own but it all started as method of survival. Continue reading

Life’s pleasant surprises

Life is an adventure if you trust the Universe and allow the best possible outcome to occur. You will be pleasantly surprised.

On March 2, 2013, I took a deep breath, pulled up my Big girl pants and asked 3 different people in Buenos Aires to find out which bus I should take to get this Single Woman to La Boca. It was a spontaneous decision that I made after visiting the Catedral of Buenos Aires. I did not do my research, my Lonely Planet was left behind on my bed at the rented studio apartment and really it’s been a dead weight on this journey. Continue reading