Monologue: Living Vicariously

Ever since I’ve started my globe trotting after my longest relationship ended at the age of 30. Many have said to me that they live vicariously through me. Typically because they lack or claim to lack one or more of these things: time, freedom, money, courage, curiosity OR they allow or use some of these as reasons to stay at home: dependents, commitments, obligations, daily routines, family, work.

As time went on, I learn that I also live vicariously through others. Continue reading

Leap into New Phase

After 9 months of hiatus, I will start posting again on this blog. Under a slightly different format. I will be a Rambling Traveller, sharing what has happened the last few months and current thoughts. A monologue of sorts.

Part Thoughts. Part Journal entry. Part Discoveries. Part Musings. Part Travel stuff. All about living life through conscious Experiences with awareness. Continue reading