Thank YOU to ALL 500 Followers on Facebook!

Honestly, I don’t know how this happened but it’s a numerical milestone I’ve reached today, May 30, 2016. I know some of the followers thought this is some sort of dating thing when they liked my Facebook page. Hopefully they’ve had better luck than me with finding their life partner or temporary partner.

Here’s a awesome fireworks video I recorded recently to celebrate this milestone.

When I started this at the end of 2013, it was about sharing my experiences as a solo, single traveller. There have been countless stories, some I’ve shared, some I have not – a few were scary AF which I wish upon no other; all I could now laugh at when looking back. Continue reading

Travel Thought Thursday :- Gratitude

HAPPY October! Hope your September was as intriguing and fun as mine!

Greetings from Black Sea region of Turkey!

Fall colours on Kackar mountains Ayder Turkey

Fall colours at Ayder, Turkey

I’m sure much has happened to you as have happened to me. I don’t know exactly where to begin but I promise to slowly disclose the happenings of September and how some of it connects to my past lives and past events of this current life.


Currently I’m in Ayder, Turkey. My eyes loves the view of the lush green mountains. My ears enjoy hearing the rush of falling waters. My nose and lungs relish in inhaling fresh crisp air. My tongue cherish the taste of local organic honey, hazelnuts and homemade pastries. My skin comes alive when I douse myself with cold water after soaking in 44C thermal waters.


Lastly, a great big thanks to all those who kept following my blog and liked my posts while I was on hiatus. I cannot believe how many more people have started following me during the month of September. I’m flattered and surprised. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Love you all. Be yourself. Safe travels.

Thoughts after 500 posts…

Good Saturday Morning from Paris, France!!

Looking at my WordPress Dashboard, it’s reminding me today it will be posting my 500th post.Sculpture of Madame Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux en toilette de mariee by Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux found in Petit Palais Paris France

I migrated my Single Woman Travels! site from Tumblr to WordPress back in November 2013. It’s been quite the journey because I traveled for 8 months in 2013 and now I’m in the middle of a 6 months pilgrimage/journey in Europe.

I have been very fortunate to have found this outlet to share my images and thoughts with you.

Thank you for your time, attention and acknowledgement of my thoughts and ideas.

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Teach me how to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition, my inner knowing, the senses of my body, the blessings of my spirit, teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my sacred space and love beyond my fear and thus walk in balance with the passing of each glorious sun…

~ Lakota Prayer