Thank YOU to ALL 500 Followers on Facebook!

Honestly, I don’t know how this happened but it’s a numerical milestone I’ve reached today, May 30, 2016. I know some of the followers thought this is some sort of dating thing when they liked my Facebook page. Hopefully they’ve had better luck than me with finding their life partner or temporary partner.

Here’s a awesome fireworks video I recorded recently to celebrate this milestone.

When I started this at the end of 2013, it was about sharing my experiences as a solo, single traveller. There have been countless stories, some I’ve shared, some I have not – a few were scary AF which I wish upon no other; all I could now laugh at when looking back. Continue reading

Travel Though Thursday: Travel Destinations

How do you decide your next travel destination??

Recent vacation photos from someone seen on your Facebook feed? An ad seen on TV or magazine or billboard? Conversations with friends or colleagues? An overhead conversation while commuting?

I have done all the above. Travel inspiration can come easily but how to do it affordably as well? Continue reading

Monologue: How to Grow Up

What I haven’t told anyone, including myself is that – I pushed and shoved myself to live in Germany. That’s why I didn’t do any research beforehand and just showed up with the wrong clothes and completely unprepared. I am fortunate that I have no dependents and have a bank account with money and willing to live cheaply so one less important thing that I don’t have to worry about.

My luggage consisted of typical clothes I would wear in Toronto during summer time, however, Continue reading

Monologue: Living Vicariously

Ever since I’ve started my globe trotting after my longest relationship ended at the age of 30. Many have said to me that they live vicariously through me. Typically because they lack or claim to lack one or more of these things: time, freedom, money, courage, curiosity OR they allow or use some of these as reasons to stay at home: dependents, commitments, obligations, daily routines, family, work.

As time went on, I learn that I also live vicariously through others. Continue reading

Leap into New Phase

After 9 months of hiatus, I will start posting again on this blog. Under a slightly different format. I will be a Rambling Traveller, sharing what has happened the last few months and current thoughts. A monologue of sorts.

Part Thoughts. Part Journal entry. Part Discoveries. Part Musings. Part Travel stuff. All about living life through conscious Experiences with awareness. Continue reading

The Launch :- Spiritual Radiance Tours

Single Woman Travels!

Spiritual Radiance Tours logo - 3 circles symbolizing the Mind, body and spirit coming together and forming a connection. The 7 colors are Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and magenta; representing the 7 chakras of the human body.Today, the day after a new moon, a full solar eclipse and Spring equinox, please allow me to present my new business venture – Spiritual Radiance Tours.

It has been my intention for the past few years to share my joy of travel. Within this time, I wasn’t sure what was the best method, in addition to this blog. The experiences I have gained by combining spirituality and travel has been life changing to say the least for me.

My journeys have taken me to various corners of the world, however, it has also taken me to the deep and sometimes dark corners of my inner world. Aspects of myself that I have neglected or forgotten. Aspects of myself that needed resolution. Aspects that I needed to accept as a part of me.

I am nothing without my past. I live in the present and embrace the future.

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Travel Tuesday :- Sagada, Philippines

Nature is an integral component to living a balanced life. The fresh air. The silence. The beauty.

Personally, I try my best to spend some time with nature during my travels as I live in a metropolitan city.

While I was traveling in the Philippines, I made sure to give myself time for hikes in nature. Coincidentally, prior to my arrival to the country of 7107 islands, I heard about a person’s wonderful experience from hiking in Sagada. So I did my best to include Sagada to my itinerary. Continue reading